The Crew Travels The AAA 2015 Road?

The Crew is broken – but packed with potential •

So many games fail to live up to their promise, but The Crew may be one of the first to struggle to live up to its own name. Ubisoft’s newly released driving game takes its title from the ability to form squads of friends to drive around the vast, open-world digest of America that developer Ivory Tower has created. It’s a feature introduced in a day one patch, and – some 24 hours after the game’s launch – it’s one that remains temperamental at best.

The Crew is sold on the promise of epic, cross-country drives, races that take you from the bounding dunes that skirt the Great Lakes to the swamps of the south, from the evergreens of New Jersey to the dustbowls of California – marathon events that, when the server inevitably drops, can see an hour’s progress wiped in one cruel disconnection.

This hybrid of MMO, RPG and pure, unabashed driving has problems, and they go beyond the teething troubles now sadly predictable at the launch of an always-online game. They’re there from the very opening, an hour of cutscenes and tutorials that fail to introduce convincingly the mesh of progression, events and social interaction spread out across the map.

This sure does not sound good. Will they face the same problems as DriveClub?