Philip K Dick Films Ranked

Every Philip K. Dick Movie Ranked from Best to Worst

Minority Report
I still say that if this movie had ended with the shot of John Anderton being lowered into suspended animation, Minority Report would be one of the best science fiction movies ever, perhaps even surpassing Blade Runner, and one of the best PKD adaptation. Because not only does Spielberg’s film for the most part stay true to Dick’s story of the same name but it is exciting and visually striking to boot. Personally I think there could have been a way that Anderton could have become caught in the paradox of the Pre-Crime prediction, become a hero and still been imprisoned. The story would have more resonance that way. But nope, Spielberg had to get all Spielbergy on us and end with everyone living happily ever after.

But you know what? Despite that, Minority Report is still a high point in science fiction of the new millennium. A perfect blend of future noir, action, ideas and whimsy Spielberg, turned Philip K. Dick’s dire high concept about a “utopia” where crime can be predicted so it no longer exists into a rollicking Indiana Jones style chase movie full of OTT cliffhanger set pieces and government conspiracies. Good stuff when you can get it.