All Bees Matter

The bees you should be concerned about are the 3,999 other bee species living in North America, most of which are solitary, stingless, ground-nesting bees you’ve never heard of. Incredible losses in native bee diversity are already happening. 50 percent of Midwestern native bee species disappeared from their historic ranges in the last 100 years. Four of our bumblebee species declined 96 percent in the last 20 years, and three species are believed to already be extinct. A little part of me despairs when I read in a scientific paper: “This species probably should be listed under the Endangered Species Act if it still exists.”

Wired has a little piece up about us worrying about the wrong bees. And the try to give a face to the other 4,000 bee species, besides the honeybee.
Both sides of the story are worrisome. Because CCD is not something to take lightly. Even though they may survive much better. With a 50% chance of your hive dying, that is just too much work and energy lost, without a reasonable explanation.