Peter Moore Interview With Glixel About His Work

When the news broke of Petere Moore leaving EA, the structure of it was kind of weird. For one, it started with a joint statement from Moore & Liverpool. Nowhere was a direct statement from EA to be found. Apparently that was not without reason, since the British tabloids were about to break the news before Moore & Ea talked about it. Sad to read it had to go down like that. Good to read than that everythign is still on good terms between the parties.

This is just one of the few tid bits Moore talks about in this extensive interview with the people of Glixel. Be sure to head over for the full interview with some nice moments from his time at SEGA during the Dreamcast. And his time at Microsoft & EA.

Peter Moore Talks Leaving Electronic Arts for Liverpool FC and Telling ‘Sonic’ Creator Yuji Naka to “F**k Off”