Donkey Kong Enters The Vapor Wave

It seems I am one of the few people that takes kindly to VaporWave. That may be because of all the people I know. A large group of them are musicians, and they look down upon the simplicity that is the genre. I for one, do not. I like it. It’s a soothing background to the existential dread that is the existence of one in the majority of the western world.

As such a person that enjoys the genre, and games (I still have to play that Mall RPG). I present you this game jam game inspired by VaporWave and bananas.

And then there was DonkeyKong.exe, also titled スーパードンキーコング D R E A M A K E, a micro-game (it’s only a few minutes long) that marries the nostalgia of a classic SNES platformer with ironic mix-media collages inspired by vaporwave. Created by Sebastian Strand, there’s not a whole lot to say about the project other than it’s lovely bizarre little mash-up of two great things that approximates the culture and aesthetic sensibility of 90s gaming like few things can.

Trippy Fan Game Transforms Donkey Kong Country Into Vaporwave

Download DonkeyKong.exe