Fabien Cousteau Talks About The Life Aquatic, and much more

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou has to be one of my favorite films. And the first seasons SpongeBob are classic cartoon making. Seriously, go back and watch the first season again. The jokes and animation are top notch. So if you like the oceans and exploration of them like me, these small interview with Fabien Cousteau is mighty interesting. If not just for the information, as it is for his answers. Which are so gangly construed.

The Dumbo Octopus is so gangly. That or the frog fish shows that nature has a sense of humor. And who could hate a sea cucumber? It looks like a poop on the bottom of the sea, but when it comes out, it looks like this big alien creature. I find sharks fascinating because they’re so sleek. And who doesn’t love a manatee. They’re these squishy, ugly things—you just want to hug them.

We Asked Jacques Cousteau’s Grandson About SpongeBob, The Life Aquatic, and Pooping Underwater