The Legacy of SEGA in Gaming

“When Sega put its resources into something, you knew it would be special,” says developer Brandon Sheffield, whose driving game, Oh Deer, was influenced by OutRun. “Sega’s games feel like they take place in a real world, and that’s more important to me than any raw or rough edges the games may have. For me, the games that endure are those that give you a sense of place: Sonic’s dancing flowers; the bats flying by in the cave level of Astal; petting your dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga; opening every stupid drawer in Shenmue. Even the dancing flagman in Outrun 2. You felt as though you were in a real place that would go on living even if you weren’t there.

“To me, that makes Sega games special.”

Blue Sky Thinking: Why Everybody Still Loves Sega