Sony As Playstation

The PlayStation Company: why Sony should ditch almost everything else | The Verge

Sony moved out of the flagging Windows PC market last year, and yesterday Hirai said that he would not “rule out” doing the same with its TV and mobile divisions. That would be shocking to many, but it’s encouraging to see Hirai even consider it. Sony should stop selling smartphones — it’s too reliant on Google, and with even Samsung fading, the premium Android market just isn’t fertile ground for anyone. Sony should stop selling TVs — it sounds unthinkable, but there’s little profit or incentive for the company to remain in the industry since it sold its LCD panel division to form part of Japan Display. And, though the company just announced it will spin off its audio and video business into a subsidiary, Sony should stop selling Walkmans, Blu-ray players, and countless other inconsequential distractions altogether — it’s consistently failed to exploit the potential of having fingers in every pie.