
just kruum

Peter Moore Interview With Glixel About His Work

When the news broke of Petere Moore leaving EA, the structure of it was kind of weird. For one, it started with a joint statement from Moore & Liverpool. Nowhere was a direct statement from EA to be found. Apparently that was not without reason, since the British tabloids were about to break the news […]

1994 Profile on Bill Hicks

Deadspin published an old profile on Bill Hicks from a 1994 GQ magazine. If you are not familair with Bill Hicks, this is a nice beginning. It is a pretty complete profile of his life, and has some insights into his vision on life. Because this guy thought a lot about that. There is a […]

The People of Uzbekistan

Dazed has a interesting series of photo’s from Uzbekistan. Which apparently had a population in which 60% of the people is under 25 years of age. That is quite stunning compared to the Western world. Nevertheless, these pictures are a pretty awesome look inside of a former Soviet country and its youth. Portraits from one […]

The Genre of The 90’s Videogames

Any kid that grew up gaming in the 90’s is familiar with 3D platformers. From the best like Super Mario 64, to the bad & horrible you can’t name. Eurogamer put up a fine piece about the appeal of these games during their time. An appeal that can be traced to technological advancements & average […]

Really Real Pong Table

Kickstarter for mechanical Atari Pong game table enters its final days This is just awesome. A real Pong table to play with. I do wonder if it will actually be any good.

  Appreciate the Substance Behind the Style with Rose Colored Gaming’s Transparent SNES System  

The Charm Of Death Proof

Ten years ago Grindhouse got released. A double bill featuring Death Proof by Tarantino & Planet Terror by Rodriguez. Now Death Proof was not received that kindly. It was seen as one of the lesser films of Tarantino. To this day, people still look down upon it. A thing I never really understood. Especially given […]