
just kruum

People Make Games take a look at Working at Valve

A month ago this video from People Make Games came across my feed. They dove into the reality of working for Valve. A company that has become a sort of enigma within the gaming industry. Rarely giving insights, but still holding a lot of power & going about in their own way. Another company of […]

Some Wattan Interviews with Takahashi

There is a reason this is one of my favourite designers. And these interviews show why. As do his games. Keita Takahashi on Wattam and the Superfluousness of Video Games Keita Takahashi on Wattam and the Superfluousness of Video Games Katamari and Wattam designer Keita Takahashi may not be able to change the world with […]

G-Police: Blade Runner On Your PSX

About seven or eight years ago, I finished the Blade Runner game for the first time. A Westwood Studios production stuffed with voxels and multiple endings. A truly great point & click that brought you back to the world of Blade Runner. One of the few movie tie in games that succeeded. With the release […]

Dutch Documentary on Horizon Zero Dawn & Games

The Dutch programme Tegenlicht made a nice documentary that looks into the development of Horizon Zero Dawn. basic look at game development games, the industry & their customers & fans. It takes a nice look behind the scenes of the biggest studio in The Netherlands. Tegenlicht: All In The Game

Donkey Kong Enters The Vapor Wave

It seems I am one of the few people that takes kindly to VaporWave. That may be because of all the people I know. A large group of them are musicians, and they look down upon the simplicity that is the genre. I for one, do not. I like it. It’s a soothing background to […]

Resident Evils Origin in a NES Game Called Sweet Home

Back when it came out, a friend of mine immediately tipped me. ‘ You have got to play Resident Evil 7!’ It was that good. Well Capcom had too, after they butchered the series with the previous two instalments. Interesting tough, with RE4 being somewhat regarded as the best in the series, and one of […]

How The Nintendo Zapper Works

If you really want to know more about the Zapper, then check out this video by The 8-Bit Guy. He goes in deep about the workings of the light gun. And he even opens it up to see what is inside. I myself was always under the impression that the Zapper worked on the curvature […]

Peter Moore Interview With Glixel About His Work

When the news broke of Petere Moore leaving EA, the structure of it was kind of weird. For one, it started with a joint statement from Moore & Liverpool. Nowhere was a direct statement from EA to be found. Apparently that was not without reason, since the British tabloids were about to break the news […]

The Genre of The 90’s Videogames

Any kid that grew up gaming in the 90’s is familiar with 3D platformers. From the best like Super Mario 64, to the bad & horrible you can’t name. Eurogamer put up a fine piece about the appeal of these games during their time. An appeal that can be traced to technological advancements & average […]

Really Real Pong Table

Kickstarter for mechanical Atari Pong game table enters its final days This is just awesome. A real Pong table to play with. I do wonder if it will actually be any good.

  Appreciate the Substance Behind the Style with Rose Colored Gaming’s Transparent SNES System  

Worst Gaming Nightmare

SNES preservation project “dead” after $10k of games lost in the post • The package made the journey from Frankfurt to Byuu’s home state of New Jersey, but after this was lost by the USPS. It was the second of five planned shipments of games from a European collector, who has now been left […]

AAA Sequels Are Falling

Watch Dogs 2 launch sales nowhere near Watch Dogs 1 • The past few weeks have seen a number of high-profile sequels fail to hit the high sales watermark of their predecessors. Watch Dogs 2 joins a list of Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2 and even the aforementioned Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. It’s a […]


These days, surprises are nothing new. Another long awaited sequel to a beautifull game may finally come to life with the help of Nintendo. According to a rumor received by Destructoid this week, the game may actually come to fruition in the not-too-distant future. If the information is to be believed, Nintendo has pulled a […]