
just kruum

Great Story About How Mad Catz Went Under

Reading this story, is like a deja vu about how THQ went under. Interesting, and a must, for every a videogaming enthusiast. Or just business wise. In fact, when asked for their reactions to the news that Mad Catz had gone into administration, former employees admit they were surprised the company survived into 2017. How […]

Loyalty Is Royalty Finally Coming

Last year or the year before were already pinned as years that Masta Killas latest solo effort would see the light, Loyalty Is Royalty. A sampler even saw the day of light on the net. But after that, not much was noted. Or, at least I did not. Not it seems a date has been […]

Some Awesome Promo Shorts For New Rick And Morty

These awesome shorts, which are originally only about 15 seconds long, are made by Saiman Chow. He was approached by Adult Swim to make these as a promo for the upcoming episodes of the third season. And this 1:36 seconds long short does not disappoint in any animation form. Be sure to head over to […]

Fabien Cousteau Talks About The Life Aquatic, and much more

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou has to be one of my favorite films. And the first seasons SpongeBob are classic cartoon making. Seriously, go back and watch the first season again. The jokes and animation are top notch. So if you like the oceans and exploration of them like me, these small interview with […]

Interesting Photo’s & Account of the 1992 LA Riots

Vice got contacted by one of the few people who was actually on the ground during the 1992 LA Riots. The result is an interesting interview with a few wonderful pictures from the first night. After the intensity of the riots, Torres developed a cognitive dissonance around his experience and felt the images he captured […]

The Fyre Festival Pitch Deck: How To Not Sell Your Festival 101

As the information continues to leak out, this shit fest that they called Fyre Festival looks more and more like one of the biggest frauds ever. One would almost forget the mayhem that was Woodstock ’99. Dazed now has a sweet look at the original pitch deck. Which looks like the powerpoint of a freshman […]

Before Rick and Morty there was Mister Sprinkles

Just like with Frizky Dingo & Sealab 2021 before Archer, there were shows before Rick and Morty. Most obviously there is Doc and Marthi. Which I think everybody has seen by now. But there was also Mister Sprinkles. Mister Sprinkles is the weird, short-lived show that inspired Rick and Morty Complete collection of shorts: […]

Samantha Bee Kills It At Her NTWHCD show

Over the weekend Sam Bee pretty much killed the comedy landscape, like The Daily Show & Colbert Report did before her. Now with her own show, Full Frontal, she is already a force to be reckoned with. Standing beside John Oliver & Stephen Colbert. But this weekend, she upped the ante by hosting her own […]

‘I Don’t Stand By Anything’

The world we are living in, where the leader of a country does not stand by anything he says. Thus opening the door for making false statements about anybody & anything. And ironically calling many media ‘fake news’. Thankfully we have some very great comedian to satirize this, even though it is a very sad […]

Rodney King. 25 Years Ago.

It’s been 25 years already, and still Bill Hicks feels relevant and the tensions are stronger than ever. Rodney King riots 25 years later: a view from the corner where it all began