
just kruum

The Vanishing Of Video Games

CD’s will die. DVD’s will die. Cartridge will become unreadable. All the video games we have nowadays are in danger of vanishing. The reason is quite simple. Currently there is no medium that will last forever. But on top of that, there is no standard for archiving & preserving. Nor is the industry spearheading this. […]

How Zwolle Always Has Its Own Sound

The Dutch DJBroadcast website has a nice piece about the electronic music scene in Zwolle. It delves into the workings of some of the odler producers like Delic & Kubus, and some of the new ones. And what makes the city stand out from the regulars in the West of the country. Zwolle: geïsoleerde stad, […]

Ever wondered why certain symbols look they way they look? Like the power symbol on your laptop or console? Well it happens to be a universal standard developed back in the seventies.

Nerdwriter1 Video Essay on Kintsugi

Couple of months ago I was bored. So I went searching for some interesting video to watch. By now everybody is familiar with Nerdwriter1, I think. If you’re not, let this video be your introduction. And head over to his channel after the video. This video is already a few years old, nevertheless it is […]

The New Malls of Bangkok

Nevertheless, the Commons is green, its grass is real. Such places are sorely needed in Bangkok. Public planners in the city have not prioritised parks and historically, private developers have built malls to shelter people from the outdoors, not to embrace it: the temperatures in Bangkok can be stifling, and the weather thunderous. You can […]

Nice Piece About Door Policy

“[Would] Berghain be as liberating, free and exciting as it is without what seems to be on first glance a draconian, random and often unfair door policy? Probably not. Does that make it OK? It doesn’t make it any easier when you get turned away.” When it comes to club entry, is the best door […]

“invading subscriber privacy”

“This is a gold mine of data—the holy grail so to speak,” Nelson said. “It is no wonder that broadband providers want to be able to sell this information to the highest bidder without consumers’ knowledge or consent. And they want to collect and use this information without providing transparency or being held accountable.” […]