
just kruum

New Theory Proposes Banksy As Collective

Quite an interesting read. Though the theory itself is not new, it does work out great with the dates and places of Massive Attack.  

Just when you thought it was over with all the neonicitinoids, you get this over use of pesticide.

Your Own Electricity Pylon For Audio Pleasure

A guy in Japan went all out audiophile. Some people prefer a DC battery driving power suply to a AC/DC adapter driving power supply.  The later would have too much noise on the line. Well this is just another level. Audiophile builds personal electricity pylon in pursuit of better sound

Twitter: Putting Things Out Of Context Since 2007

Twitter is where all the magic happens between artists. They meet their fans. Post small updates. And fight about 140 chracters that get blown out of proportion. If only there was a means of writing complete posts not restricted by those 140 chracters. James Blake hits out at Hudson Mohawke: “Thank goodness we’ve never worked […]

Ghost In The Shell & Gender & Bodies

The depiction of Kusanagi’s body, in particular her identity as a sexual entity, lies at the center of many discussions interpreting the meaning behind Ghost in the Shell’s narrative, particularly in the case of Stand Alone Complex. Even the show’s ending credit theme “Lithium Flower” emphasizes this, describing the so-called “incredible math” of a nameless […]

Tim Sweeney Not Convinced of UWP

Tim Sweeney is not that impressed with Microsofts pplan for UWP. And frankly, does not trust them with maintaining an open eco system on the pc.  

track with Method Man

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